Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Datuk, I was there when you were crying for Islam....

The silver bearded man asked the audience what he will tell his grandchildren if he wouldn't say the truth about what Islam has taught just to keep his position as a mufti.. will haunt his life forever.... still fresh, repeatedly played in my memory the scene in Masjid Melayu Subang eleven years ago.... Alfatihah to Datuk Ishak Baharom


Anonymous said...

As'kum mede...

just a single thought....

Damantim said...


To say something, one must start with thinking.

Nothing to worry, if our says are blamed or disagreed.

Pak Cik Satu Dua said...

Mi, gi interview Yayase tganu senyap2 dih.... ape citer? Tok gi jupo Pok Yih ko?

keng said...

tok gi pun interview yayase....

dok kay el lagi