Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Award for loyalty

The episode of the termination of Professor P Ramasamy’s contract at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) gave another 'question mark' to the academic world in IPTA. Regarding to the rules stated by the university, one will be considered to continue his/her service after completing inagural address (Syarahan Perdana) as a mark of their professorship. Contract will be given for two-year basis. However, in this case, many things should be considered:
1. 12 PhD students under his supervision.
2. 22 Masters students
3. Several undergarduate student classes
4. Inaugural address was given on May 10 2005 (if i'm not mistaken, it's abour labour and globalisation)
5. His 'kemaliman' at the Pusat Pengajian Sejarah, Politik dan Strategi (PESEPSI) as well as UKM

Finally, i like to take Mr Bunnell's words in his letter to Malaysiakini - 'And let us not forget, this is a teacher who has been, and remains, a mentor to innumerable students and young researchers – the critical thinkers and actors of the future'

P/S; I'm waiting for his former students such as Mustapha Kamil Ayub from Keadilan, Misbahul Munir from PAS and many others including high rangking officers in government civil services to come out backing their professor.

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